As they say the economy is going down, and people are losing their jobs, more people are turning to a home hair dye solution. Salons cost upwards to 100.00 a dye and at the same time you are paying them to ruin your scalp and your hair.

Why soak your hair with harsh chemicals? There are alternatives and alternatives that work better and at the same time they are good for you. It is very rare that you will see a woman from India in the salon using chemicals. People from India have beautiful thick shiny non split ends hair. Why? Simple, they use their own home hair dye remedies. Home hair dye remedies have been around since the birth of hair dyes.

Henna was the main source of home hair dyes. It was used by the Egyptians and Indians and creates the most beautiful hair on the planet. Rumor has it Even Lucile Ball used henna to get her beautiful red hair. Use Henna and Indigo (the plant not the synthetic) and you will create browns and blacks. They are simple hair dyes to use at home and they are permanent.

The more you use them the longer they last and the split ends will disappear. Use a 2 step process, henna first and then indigo and you will get a jet black color. Mix indigo with henna to get browns.

Henna is the only hair dye we know of that is ok to use while pregnant or while on chemo therapy. The women in India actually use henna to tattoo the hands and feet of the women prior to getting married. It is said that that longer the henna last is a sign of how long the marriage will last. The Indian woman has no chores in the now family until the henna wears off.

So stop using home hair dyes that are unhealthy and bad for your hair. Henna hair dye is the best home hair dye on the market.

Make sure you use henna that is 100% chemical free. Remember henna only goes darker. It bonds to the hair and does not later it. Sorry, looks like brunettes have more fun after all! While the blondes will have scalp issues using chemicals, the brunettes will be enjoying their healthy hair dye.

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